Saturday, November 24, 2012

3 Year Survivor!!

Trust in the Lord, for he is our Deliverer!!

We did it....We passed the 3 year mark!  We are beating this cancer with prayer and unconditional belief.  God is so Good.

I stand in awe of the prayers and support that have been given me during this time.  This is truly a season of giving thanks and being grateful for each and every day.

My next MRI is Monday, December 10th followed by my oncologist appointment on Thursday, the 13th.  (One more before the new year insurance deductibles start over!! ;-) ). I'm still on the 'MRI every 3 months" routine, which is fine as if gives us a checkpoint of stability. I will have bloodwork this time as well.  Next Duke appointment is January 7th.

In the meantime....let's look forward to the celebration of new life with the season of Christmas as the birth of Jesus gives us hope for a renewed future!

"May you be made strong with all the strength that comes from his glorious power.
Collossians 1:11.

Blessings for a great day!
