Saturday, January 9, 2010

5th Week of Phase 1 Treatment - Complete

The promise of an answered prayer is not a blank check, but an invitation to dependence on God for success in mission.

Scratch off Week 5 on the calendar...I can guarantee you that I am!! 7 more daily radiation treatments. 10 more days of chemotherapy.

This week has brought a few challenges, but hey, isn't that way it goes. I've broken out in hives and been running a slight fever since last Sunday. Not sure the cause, perhaps a reaction to the antibiotics I was taking, but have been off of them for over a week. I'm praying it is not the Temodar (chemotherapy drug) causing this reaction, because it will be something I will have to live with for the time being. The process of elimination is a slow one. In the meantime, Benadryl!

I am still anemic, however stable with that. Meaning, my hemoglobin count has not changed in the last 2 weeks. That's good. The doctor is pretty certain that the cause of my anemia was the antibiotic, Dapsone, which I stopped taking on 12/31. Hopefully, next week's blood work results show an improvement in this area.

Alright...the timeline for the coming week:

  • 7am daily radiation,

  • On Tuesday, I have a CT Scan and a MRI to begin to map out a plan for a procedure I am having on January 26th called stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). This is a non-invasive procedure that delivers high dose beams of radiation focused on the tumor site that will distort the DNA of the tumor cells. The cells then lose their ability to reproduce and retain fluid. My radiation oncologist believes I'm a good candidate for this procedure and it will be an added boost of treatment to the tumor site. I'm all in favor of that!!

  • See my doctors on Wednesday and usual.

I reach a milestone on Sunday, January 10th...I turn "50"!! Yikes!! For those of you that know me know I have always dreaded my birthdays....they have always been difficut for me. I have just never wanted to get older. BUT...this year is different!! It's not the age, it's the attitude! Age is only a number!! I intend, with God carrying me, to see many more birthdays in the years to come, because I am not over-the-hill yet, baby!!

As I close this post, I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who have brought meals, sent out words of encouragement through cards, emails, phone calls and posted comments on this blog and most importantly, for your prayers. I continue to be uplifted and inspired with your support. I feel the prayers working...please keep it up!

Thank God for every day, don't take it for granted, for each one is truly a gift.

Stay warm on this wonderful day!



  1. I remembered your birthday is tomorrow, because Leo's is today. Happy birthday! I passed that same milestone a few years ago, it's no big deal, and you still look like you're in your 30's, so enjoy the cold day. I continue to keep you in my prayers and with your outstanding attitude, I know this is all just a roadbump in your journey through life. The SRS sounds like the Gamma knife procedure. My niece had one a few months ago and said she just had a headache for a day or so, but she also has triplets, so that headache could have been from other sources as well. Keep your spirits're going to win this race.


  2. Hey Sandy!

    Happy belated 50th and many many more! I am happy to read that you are a good candidate for the SRS procedure and I pray you have a very positive outcome from it. I hope because of the procedure, your "go get it" attitude, and your spritual will be a great candidate for all your birthdays to come! Good luck on next week's blood work (think improvement)...and keep climbing that hill...yeah you have a longgggggg way to go before your over it girl! UR N my prayers, Christy
