Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Last Treatment!!!

Do not live your life looking in your rear view mirror...live for each day, basking in the wonderment and possibilities God has opened to you. What a way to live!

Wow...has time flown or what? Six chemotherapy treatments, too many blood tests to count on all my fingers and toes, too many needle sticks, doctor visits and co-pays to count as well....but here I am...still thankful for everyday that God has blessed me with waking up and living my life and enjoying my family and friends. What more can I ask for? I think this is simply what it's all about, I am so blessed.

Monday, August 23, 2010...last chemotherapy treatment...Waahoooo!! Even more amazing, no major adverse reactions...well at least by comparison to the Temodar fiascoes...in January, February and March...that was a major yikes! That was not a pleasant ride, by any stretch of the imagination. I have come through this last 5-1/2 months, relatively well in my opinion. I have felt really good physically, well most days, and mentally...well again most days.

Yesterdays doctor visit went well....my white blood count is okay, but my platelet count was low, too low to get the full dose of treatment. He reduced it by 10%, so I got 300mg (instead of 330mg). That was disappointing. I really wanted this last treatment to be the full dose...to carry me through to whatever my next challenge will be. I need to be careful and notify my doctor of any bruising and bleeding. If it gets too bad, I will need a platelet transfusion. I get my Neulasta shot today. I go back in two weeks for another blood test and doctor visit. Within this next 2 weeks, however, I will have another MRI and pray the results continue to be in my favor. I asked about having a body scan just to make sure the cancer has not spread anywhere else in my body. Dr. Hu said that rarely does my type of cancer spread to anywhere but the brain. They have seen it spread to the spinal cord, but he has no reason to believe that would happen to me. I like that belief!! So we keep up the prayers everyone.

I find something to be happy about every single day. I am a 293 day survivor!!! Forever am I grateful for so many, many people praying for me and supporting me. Never, ever would I be able to do this on my own without God carrying me and you all being here with encouraging words. thoughts and prayers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!! There is no way I will ever be able to repay the blessings I've received.

Live this day one precious moment at a time.



  1. WAY TO GO my Sandy sister!!!!! (Inside joke) I am so proud of you. I know God is working through you to reach me, and I am sure many others! You have traveled a long road of 9 months. You are a SURVIVOR! You are a messenger of God, delivering His message to slow down, smell the roses, enjoy life instead of letting it pass you by, love, laugh, share, and to follow Christ. I love you so much. Congratulations Sandy!

  2. Ok....I agree with your sister Tracy...way to go. Now to pour the coal on the prayers to get some good vibes going for your next MRI report! Btw, the best way to pay forward is to live forward...you are doing a terrific job!
    Keep up! Hugs, Christy

  3. Yeah for last treatments!! I am always thinking of you! Andrea
