Saturday, November 21, 2009

From the beginning....Event Timeline

This timeline outlines how we got to this point.....
- Last 2-3 weeks of October, 2009 - Some tingling feelings on my right cheek and around my mouth. The tingling seemed to gradually become more frequent.
- Sunday, Nov 1, 2009 - had a some tingling in my check, my tongue went numb and began to slurr my words and had some confusion for about 5 minutes. My pointer and middle fingers on my right hand went numb during the same time. Felt very drained and then concerned maybe I was having a stroke.
- Monday, Nov 2, 2009 - Went to work, called the doctor. Went to his office at 10:30am and described my symptons...he sent me straight to the hospital concerned I could be having a stroke. (In hind site, this would have been the blessing!) They actually drove me to St. John's Mercy Med Ctr. After the Emergency Room triage, they decided to admit me in order to run more tests. I was interviewed by the Neuro doctor and then had a CT scan. The doctor came in and told us the news....A "worriesome" tumor was found close to the surface on the left parietal lobe of my brain. The fortunate thing was that is was close to the surface and was operable.
- Tuesday, Nov 3, 2009 - Had an MRI to get more views and a better idea of what we were dealing with. Neuro-surgeon, Dr. Tom Forget, showed us the pictures of the tumor, which was about 1.6 cm or grape-size. It definitely needed to come out...the sooner the better.
- Wednesday, Nov 4, 2009 - Surgery, 4pm to remove the tumor. Priliminary pathology told them is was cancer. 7 inch incision on the left side of my head....Recovered in ICU until Thursday.
- Thursday, Nov 5, 2009 - Moved to a floor room, able to take a shower..yay!
- Friday, Nov 6, 2009 - 2 days after brain surgery...Home from the hospital.....crazy!
- Continued to recover at home.
- Wednesday, Nov 11, 2009 - Appointment to see Dr. Forget for pathology results....Gliosarcoma....GAAAAHHHHH!!! He also removed the staples from my head...this part didn't hurt....hearing the news part did! ;.-(
Had an appointment immediately following with the Medical Oncologist, Dr. Susan Partridge to consult on treatment. much to think about.
- Continued to recover at home until Monday, Nov 16, 2009.
- Monday, Nov 16, 2009 - CT scan of my body to ensure cancer is no where else....good's no where else!!
- Tuesday, Nov 17, 2009 - Back to work!! Great diversion...great to feel productive again!! Also, had a lunch time prayer service at my house with family and friends and was annointed and blessed by my good friend Carolyn's father who is a minister. It was awesome and moving and I know and trust that God is healing me. Very moving experience.
- Wednesday, Nov 18, 2009 - Met with Radation Oncologist, Dr. Jay Stroud at St. John's to consult on radiation treatments.
- Friday, Nov 19, 2009 - MRI of my surgery. I think they still left some brain in there...thank goodness!!
- Scheduled to consult with Radiation and Medical Oncologists at Siteman Cancer Center on 11/24 and 11/25. Will blog on how that goes!


  1. You've got to be kidding, your doctor's name is Dr. Forget? You have to add some humor on your blog about that. Good thing you didn't get Doctor Payne or Doctor Suess.


  2. Good point, Eileen...I guess this hole in my head is causing me to slip in my comedy relief routine!! pronounce the surgeon's name Dr. Forget as 'for-jay'. I'm sure he's been given crap about that his entire life...which was probably his motivation to become a brain surgeon!

  3. Sandy - thank you for including me in your prayer team. I am blessed ot be able to join you in this journey and believe that God is faithful true to His word and that He will work behind the scenes, in this situation, to bring about good for you becuase that is what He tells you in Romans 8:28.

    If anyone is interested I would like to encourage the prayer warriors to consider and pray about fasting from something as we stand together, united in Christ for Sandy's healing. God tells us in Exodus 15:26 that HE IS THE LORD THAT HEALS US, so let's stand together lifting that word as our sword in this battle.

    It is not the limitation of our favorite candy, or TV show or other item that will bring God's power to this situation, but the daily reminder and sacrifice we make as we walk by that candy bowl or pass by the TV or forgo the icecream or other fleshly indulgence will make us stop to pray and to do spiritual battle.

    When we sew to the things of the Spirit we receive Spiritual growth and victory. Fasting can be a fun thing to do because it actually cause you to stop and pray more and at random times, as it is a daily reminder to stop and focus on almighty God, His holiness, His worthiness, His love, His sacrifice for us (JESUS), His power, purpose, plan and His promises (His word). Some of you have done this type of thing before Easter, but it is something we join together to do as we press on in prayer.

    You don't have to tell anyone what you're fasting from, or you can... if it helps you to partner up with someone, to be more accountable. If you mess up and forget to pass on desert, or fast from whatever your item is don't beat yourself up. You will not limit the power of God because you weren't perfect - so just press on and start again, asking God for His grace to help you. Our God is mighty to save, and His word says HE IS OUR REFUGE AND GOD IS OUR STRENGTH, AND HE IS AN EVER PRESENT HELP IN TIMES OF TROUBLE. Psalm 42:1 Amen.

    Love to all I stand with, united in Christ to see God's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, Sharon

  4. Hi sweety, I'm here for you, now and forever. You are my love, my inspiriation and my life. I promise to stand next to you as we go through this journey together.

    For most of you, you know my wife all too well. She is one tough woman and ain't nobody or no thing that should mess with her. Mr. Cancer, you better go run and hide now because you don't know who you are messing with...

    As Sandy stated, we are overwhelmed with the prayers, cards, flowers, love and support from all of you. She is truly blessed to have all of you that love her and I am blessed to be by her side to see it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. God Bless you all.

    Now, back to you blondie. I plan to grow old and gray with you (okay, so it already started for me) so let's kick this thing in the rear and head out on the highway.

    Love always and forever,

  5. Sandy,

    I know we only met a couple of times but Rick is family to me and I consider you the same. Shari and I were stunned when we recently heard about your cancer. I was getting ready to reach out to Rick when I got the e-mail with the link to your blog and it is very uplifting I must say! I am inspired by your overall outlook and faith in God. I need to invite faith into my life and you have motivated me to take some action. Our thoughts and love are with you, Rick, and your family. Happy Thanksgiving!!

  6. I love your Blog Sandy. I'm praying for you!!
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. Dear, Dear Sandy
    I am sitting here with tears in my eyes. You have always been strong even as a little girl. You have a long hard road to travel, but not alone. You have a loving family, your faith, good doctors and friends who love you.

    Sometimes when driving at night, all I can see is just the small patch of road in my headlights but trust that if I keep my attention on it, and the next small piece of the road I see and the next and the next, that even though I really don't know what is ahead, all I need to do is give my best effort to the lighted segment of road to get there.

    I think I need to come to St. Louis and see you and your family, see the life you have created around you. I don't know your adult story yet.

    I love you and am keeping you in my heart now more than ever.

  8. Sandy and Rick, Dan and I are thinking of you! Please let us know if there is anything we can do.....cook, drive to treatments, whatever. Just ask. We offer any support we can give. All of our prayers are with you,
    Dan and Betty

  9. Dear Sandy,

    I was alerted by your discovery and blog just recently. My prayers are with you though I don't know how much pull I have with the "big guy". I have been praying also for a young man who, like you, is battling cancer and you might be inspired by how he wrestles with his situation. His name is Adam Frey and you can read about him/his blog at:
    I don't know if his story/progress will help you but you both appear to be terrific fighters on the road to recovery. I will be cheering you both on! Christy (Mike's wife)

  10. I don't know what happened I wrote you earlier and it didn't take it. Hopefully, this will go through this time. I am here if you need anything. We have your family in our prayers.

  11. Sandy,
    Keep the faith! We are praying for you and your family, here in TN. Remember God only burdens you with what you CAN handle. You strengthen the rest of us through your blog.
    Tim Schuppan
